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Kanger SSOCC Coils

The Kangertech SSOCC Replacement Coils are designed for the Kangertech Toptank and are high-quality, performance coils. The SSOCC acronym stands for Stainless Steel Organic Cotton Coil. SSOCC coils are long-lasting and produce fantastic vapour. Furthermore, the lifespan of each coil is high. These coils are also be referred to as "atomizer heads".


Kanger SOCC Coils are here.



  • Kangertech NEBOX Kit.
  • Kangertech Toptank Mini, Nano
  • Kangertech Topbox Mini, Nano
  • Subtank Mini, Nano, Plus
  • Subox Mini, Nano, Mini-C
  • Protank 5, 4
  • Subvod. Mega, C
  • K-Kiss
  • K-Pin, Mini
  • Iken



  • SS316L.
  • 0.5 Ohm resistance.
  • 15-60W range.



A pack of five (5) Kangertech SSOCC Replacement Coils.

Kanger SSOCC Coils

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